
small pieces with purpose

Over the past few years, I’ve experimented with ways to bring conceptual aspects of my large scale sculpture into items that can be worn, carried and shared without need for art handlers and moving trucks.

This means I’ve been developing designs that can be editioned by hand or with the help of other local businesses. This provides an outlet for gifting, giving and generating fundraising opportunities for organizations I believe in.

women’s work

Each piece in the Women’s Work jewelry line blends historic quilt patterns, etched mirror and sterling silver to create wearable pieces, which reflect the power of women’s ingenuity and political investment - then and now.

Pattern are chosen for their expressive original titles and visual strength when translated from cloth to the surface of mirrored glass.

Each pattern is available in earrings, necklaces and pins. All are handmade to order. Allow 2-3 for delivery.

We rise

We Rise was created on the eve of the first Women’s March, and has traveled with me on a national fundraising tour with Planned Parenthood. The central image in all We Rise merchandise features Hills & Valleys- a large sculpture I built out of aluminum signage from five shuttered Planned Parenthood healthcare centers in Wisconsin.

Fifty percent of profits from all We Rise merchandise in are donated to Planned Parenthood, NARAL Pro-Choice America and the ACLU’s Reproductive Freedom Project.

Questions about fine art

If you would like to know more about artwork and prices on nikijohnson.com, please email: info@nikijohnsonstudio.com